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A Mortician's Tale

A death-positive game where you play as a mortician tasked with running a funeral home · By Laundry Bear Games

Did a short first impressions video on this

A topic by mirta000 created Jun 19, 2021 Views: 192
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So first of all, good points -

1. Thank you for educating people on the importance of end of life decisions and how various procedures work. 

2. I loved the humour and attention put into letters that you receive each day.  Every character seemed unique and very human. 

bad points -

it felt a bit hand-holdy. Meaning that the game was more of an experience to experience rather than a game to play and make choices in. It may be that I just haven't gotten to any choices though. 

overall - this is a very  unique educational game that I believe is worth a play :)