The Devil's Eight is a fast paced boss rush where you must fight your way through the circles of hell. The Eight Overseers sealed away your powers, leaving you with only a shield to defend yourself. With your offensive options gone, you must master your opponent's movements, expose their weaknesses, and use your divine shield to reflect their strongest attacks back upon them. Fight your way through the eight electronic soundscapes that fuel the overseers of the inferno. Each world is driven by their own unique soundtrack, inspiring a fresh boss experience in this abstract psychedelic hell.
The current build showcases the first two boss fights, Limbo and Lust. We are still in pre-alpha, so expect rough edges like unfinished features, placeholder animations, and bugs. The final game will have additional attacks, improved animations, better sound effects, and more. That being said, we feel like the current play experience is a pretty good indication of what we are trying to achieve with game feel. We recently made the game a bit easier by allowing health regen on shielding, since at our last event, only one person was able to beat Limbo. We are very interested to hear how people fair with some of the difficulty changes so if you get a chance to play, make sure to let us know what you thought.
To play the demo check out our page or our kickstarter page! If you'd like to see more of the game, you can also follow our development on twitter or facebook.