Looking for a part-time Programmer to help fill out the team. We are making a procedurally generated exploration game where you can warp to stars and analyze their system, land on planets, and then put your name on it. It is a rebirth of a classic game called Noctis - we want to capture the exploration aspects of Eve Online and Elite dangerous.
The objective goals of the game:
- Siphon solar winds from stars to recharge your engines
- Travel to nearby stars with and scan the system for more information
- Orbit planets where you can send drones to probe and find resources
- Land on the surface to catalog samples of soil, fauna, and wildlife
- Name Fauna, planets, animals, etc and share it with other players
- Collect resources to refuel, re-arm, and upgrade your ships
- Primary Starship can carry two active ships and one additional in storage
- Search for anomalies of past or present civilizations
- Find a way home.
I hope to release this game at a fair price on itch.io and steam and split any revenue with all team members. We want an additional programmer for outside opinions, knowledge, and a fresh perspective. experience is not required but knowledge of Unity and C# is a must, evidence is that is needed.
Current Team:
DIGI: Lead Designer/programmer
Issen: Lead 3D artist
DharmaraJ: Network Programmer
- Discord
- Minimum 2 Years of Unity programming
- Previously released work will be favored.