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O Chão é Lava DEMO

A topic by Braian Alves Pereira created May 18, 2021 Views: 139
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O Chão é Lava (The Floor is Lava) is a game about the planet Earth that was invaded by aliens made of lava that seek to feed on everything that is alive. You will be Parkour, a soldier trained by the Anti-Lava Squad to defeat these aliens and save humanity! You will use your agility to jump and dodge obstacles without touching the lava on the floor and to face the aliens, since they do not make so many movements, that's why everyone calls you Parkour!


The game is in English and Portuguese! Even though it is in the demo phase, I will soon launch a second demo with models made in Blender, new things, a third phase and possibly open for donations! And in the future I will release the full version completely for free!

If you come to take a look, I will be very grateful to you!

Thank you for reading this! Have a nice day!