You are an apprentice to the wizard, living in a grand tower, assisting the wizard's magic and learning the craft yourself.
From the inside, the tower seems vast to the point of infinite, emphasized all the more by how much of it is forbidden.
So many rooms are sealed by locks, sigils, and warnings. The wizard has always provided what you need, except for answers.
Even so, the wizard is not your keeper. The wizard is your master and mentor, and perhaps even your friend.
The wizard is gone.
You can find no trace of the wizard's whereabouts, no sense of where the wizard may have gone.
Almost overnight, it's become as though you never had a master at all.
There are these last places you haven't looked, though; the forbidden ends and edges of the tower finally open to you in the wizard's absence.
But why were these secrets kept from you all this time? And will you be ready to see the wizard again?
i wrote a Descended From the Queen game about being a wizard's apprentice and learning your master's secrets following the wizard's sudden disappearance by trawling through forbidden parts of the tower you've lived in all this time! it's free/pwyw right here, and all it takes to play is a deck of cards and 30 minutes to an hour! this is my first game and i'm super excited to share it and to hopefully take on more projects in the future!!!
obligatory image with some prompt samples: