Hello everyone! My name is Arthur. Me and a few of my friends have come together to create a game about a cat and it's journey through the human world. It's an adventure that shows the struggles that animals go through based on the choices that we make and the possibilities of hope and change. We have grown quickly and we are now a team of 10 people with various skill sets and of various experience. We are looking for people to join our passion project to create something awesome. We particularly are on the look out for members to join the designer team and the story team: 3-D Artists - character and environments, 2-D concept artists and Writers. If you have any game development experience and you are interested in bringing a beautiful game about a cat to life and raise awareness about the state of our world please get in touch. My discord is: BladeDKratos#5142 My email is: arthur.verron@yahoo.co.uk! I look forward to hearing from you!