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Our story revolves around our protagonist Yamakazi Kusanagi, an ordinary boy whose life was dramatically altered upon waking up in Alfheim, the land of elves, after a colossal Earthquake.
Upon arriving in this magical land, our protagonist strives to find out if there are any connections between a phenomenon in Alfheim known as the universal tremor and the earthquakes back home while attempting to stay alive and discover who is trying to assassinate the princess of Alfheim and usurp the throne.
Or perhaps, he has intimate connections with the very mysteries of the world itself...
Sekaiju:Yggdrasil (Translation World Tree: Yggdrasil) is a fantasy themed, slice of life Visual Novel with a some elements of dating-sim and of course some echi and fanservice. It is fully voiced and extensively interactive!
Each path you take will get you to a unique ending.– A unique story with unique plot.
1. Full Voice Acting
2. Original Soundtrack
3. High Quality Artwork
4. Full HD 1080p
5. Fluid Gameplay
7. Every Choice you make has impact on the story
8. Multiple Unique Endings
9. Music Gallery
10. CG Gallery
11. Scene Gallery( aka scene replay gallery)