Good Morning everyone, I think I'm stuck here xD
The past 2 days I've been trying to setup a website for a game I'm working on with friends. But since I live in Kuwait (middle east), It seems near impossible to setup a website with a payment method that is straight forward.
My first choice was here on itch but neither Paypal nor Stripe support payments to be withdrawn to Kuwait or kuwaiti account. I'm trying to setup something painless and familiar for the user and at the same time doesn't cut much into profit like major distributors such as Steam do (I heard they cut 30% off profit).
My team's aim is to earn 90% of the profits. Since unreal engine takes 5%, that leaves another 5% for site support, transaction fees, etc.
Any ideas on how I can solve this ? Are we asking too much with the 90% and should find other options ? Tell us what you think.