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BulletFury: Unity Bullet Spawner

A hyper optimised bullet spawner for Unity. Uses Jobs and Burst. 路 By WayfarerGames

Changelog Sticky Locked

A topic by WayfarerGames created Apr 13, 2021 Views: 220
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Developer (6 edits)


  • Removed dependency on URP. No longer uses a render feature, which makes setup much easier.
  • Added public set functions for a ton of fields on both BulletSettings and SpawnSettings
  • Added bullet spawning to the bullet manager
  • Added rotation to the bullet manager
  • Added render camera to bullet manager
  • Added manual fire checkbox to bullet manager
  • Fixed minor display issue on bullet setting and spawn settings


  • Fixed AABB and OBB bullet colliders not bouncing bullets correctly if they aren't a perfect square
  • Fixed bullets not bouncing correctly after the first bounce
  • Aside from any major breaking issues, this will probably be the last update 鈽猴笍


  • Added an animated bullet shader, you can now use texture sheet animations. Check the demo for how to do this.
  • Added bullet bouncing - enable bouncing on the bullet collider, along with bounciness and lifetime loss. See demo for details.
  • Added BulletManager.NumActiveBullets so you can see how many bullets are currently active.
  • Added another overload to BulletManager.Spawn that takes a transform rather than a position and forward vector. Use this if you want bursts to follow the object.
  • Fixed issue with the circle collider shape not using the transform's scale


  • Got a permanent solution to the render feature issue, finally. It's a little more involved than just a button press, though! 
  • Added "Rotate with transform" to the bullet settings


  • Fixed an issue with the  "preview" button, it should now preview the bullets properly! 
  • Fixed an issue with multiple managers not being able to render bullets correctly.
  • Apparently fixed an issue with the package not importing sometimes? 
  • Removed costly Instantiate/Destroy methods in the demo scene - it was intended as a quick example, but as pointed out in the comments below it is really really bad to Instantiate/Destroy so many times! That's part of the reason this asset exists in the first place


  • Fixed issue with bullets not being rendered with a burst count of 1
  • Added better handling of lines (numSides = 2)


  • Minor performance increase
  • Fixed the demo scene, which I managed to break again (oops)



Upgrade from 0.8.0 at your own peril!

  • fixed an issue where bullet colliders were twice the size
  • updated names for a couple of variables
  • added the ability to move/scale/colour bullets over time based on a looping time scale instead of the bullet's lifetime
  • allow random spawning to use the arc setting
  • added squirrel3 random function to the randomisation - you can now use a seed
  • changed the way events are called, so they aren't called through the scriptable object
  • added bullet index to spawn and die events
  • added default value to AABB collider size
  • added quality of life logs for bullet managers, on exiting play mode
  • added inherit position option
  • fixed a quaternion normalisation error
  • allow you to set the bullet fury render feature's render pass event in the inspector
  • completely changed the way bullet colliders and managers interact. Much better now.


  • named the command buffer to make it easier to find when debugging
  • added bullet tracking to rotation over time settings
  • fixed issue #0: If "Use Color Over Time" isn't enabled in bullet settings then BulletContainer.Color will never be set.
  • fixed issue #1: When bullets are working in the XY plane I would expect "Rotation Over Lifetime" to apply around the Z axis, not the Y axis.


  • Fixed a bug where disabling a bullet manager caused any bullet colliders that interacted with it throw lots of errors
  • added offsets to the sphere bullet collider
  • fixed extents for AABB colliders so they mimic Unity's box collider behaviour


  • Added axis aligned bounding boxes!


  • Fixed some major bugs with the editors


  • Added proper 2D mode. Defaults to 2D. You can change the plane between XY and XZ.
  • Added some extra editor functionality for creating bullet settings and spawning settings
  • Added a "WaitBullet" function to pause all bullets in a manager.
  • Probably fixed some bugs too I guess


  • Moved BulletExplodeOnHit from BulletFury/Scripts to BulletFury/Demo/Scripts because it is only an example. If upgrading from v0.4 or earlier, delete the BulletFury folder before re-importing.
  • Added the ability for Bullet Colliders to be hit by multiple systems, and added a nice little editor tool to make that easier. You need to explicitly add bullet systems to the collider.
  • Updated the "arc" parameter so it actually works properly, with help from my mathematician wife 馃槀
  • Updated the demo
  • Updated a couple of property drawers