Hi there I published a shmup not long ago on itch.io. I don't have much experience in the game development. I would like to have some feedbacks about my game because it's a big project that I make in 2 / 3 months. It's a shoot'em up where you have 3 levels which each contains 9 waves of enemies. As you progress in the game, the enemies get stronger. You have 5 place to stock different projectiles which you can use against enemies. They make different things that you will be able to discover ! The development is now paused but updates will be available in the future !
Here is the link of the game page -> https://mrmatkubic.itch.io/spaces-anthem and also the link of my page if you want to check other games that I made ! -> https://mrmatkubic.itch.io/ Go check it out ! ;)