I want to challenge myself. I usually do more experimental-y, noise, ambient stuff, alien sounds, horror, surreal and dreamy, but i'm open to any style. Here's my soundcloud, but I don't have much on there. I've also worked with a youtuber for an After Effects-made horror trip video collaboration. I do everything from scratch, I never use pre-made sounds, and I always try to find ways to make new sounds and effects. I love using samples and mangling them until they're something totally different, and I love granular synthesis.
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/earlyaccess/
First video collab. music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCOuQA-GRI4
Second video collab (all music, sound fx and ambience from 3:01 till the end): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDR76wW9iN4
My discord:
self.DiscordName = Winfox(98);#7118