Hi there! recently i've chalenged myself to make a game in one week to test my skills, and I think that I got an intresting concept to make an educational game.
I am facinated for the idea of using VR/AR in education, and back in the school my favorite subject was Geography. I got in my head that would be cool to see all that boring images describing things such as the soil layers, the atmospheric layers and the universe planets and layers in VR.
I choosed to begin with the soil layers (Because this is the easy one) , and in order to see the whole processes that would require to be implemented to make the soil layers, I made a fluxogram. so here it is:
Ok, now I Just needed to remember wich are the soil layers, and based on this image i will need to make 5 diffrent 3D models for the soil
The chosen art style was voxels, so i could make some pretty cool efects of the process of build destruction of the terrain.
After the 3d modeling i started with the programming, and the result was this:
Hope you enjoyed it!