I just pushed an update (v5) fixing a single door that was broken.
blame everybody else - a mingleplayer masocore platformer · By
I just pushed an update (v7, but v1 on Linux): https://droqen.itch.io/cruel-world/devlog/239055/cruel-world-redemption-arc
a door has been added somewhere.
you can now HEAL your moral failings.
but at what cost?
the game will be re-released for sale at NOON EST today. get your cruel world. tell your friends.
I just pushed yet another update (1.2.3, v14/v7) that makes the damn client check a php file instead of a txt file when confirming the version number!
Turns out Godot will cache a txt file and then not update the thing whose only purpose is to let you know when it has been updated! Whoops.
Please update and restart your game at your earliest convenience, just so your game will let you know when there's a new version.