Hello everyone, let's first meet, my name is Denis, I am an unemployed student. I am writing my final qualification work in nanoelectronics and at the same time I am developing my game.
Why did I create this theme? I want to share the development of my game, posting the result here in the form of a demo version and screenshots every 1-3 days. I create the game alone.
Now a few words about the game. This is a 3D soulslike platformer with a side view and RPG elements. The plot is still in development. Development is on unity.
The start of the project is Monday, 29/03/2021. The topic will be constantly updated so subscribe and share your opinion, tips on the game, I will be glad to any feedback.
Contact with me 13371337ddd@gmail.com
Download demo - https://molodkrasiv.itch.io/dark-castlev1