Hello and thank you YellowAfterlife for such an awesome app.
I'm thinking that this feature request may benefit users in a few ways. For me, I've wanted the ability to create and use Template Projects in GMS2 for a long time. But as I've started using GMEdit more and more, I realise that this app is perfectly suitable for the same such feature - one that allows the user to duplicate and rename projects from the "Recent Projects" list - essentially treating any/all projects as potential templates for new projects.
Keen to hear your thoughts on implementing such a feature (or if a clever workaround already exists for this workflow). I think it would be super handy, creating a project in GMS2 with settings and media, and then being able to treat that project in GMEdit as a template, duplicate it, rename the copy, and then code the nights away.
Thanks again, and also thank you for the builder plugin, it works great!