Hi guys!!! I just published my first game on itch.io !!! It was made for the ludum dare 37 !!! If you don't know it, it's a game jam where the developers have to make a game based on a theme in just 72 hours (or 48Hours, but I'm in the 72hrs one). However !!! The game is about a robot (you) who is pooping rocks on ghost cats. Wait, can a robot poop rocks ?? Actualyy, idk but in my game you can. You can also ask me, why is the robot pooping on the ghost cats ??? Well, they are trying to destroy your house !!! (It's an ugly house, I know) and on each time you have to beat your HighScore, this is the objective of the game !!! Remember, I'm 12yo and this is a game jam game !!! So, EnJoY the game & show me what you think about it !!! Bye !!! Download Here