I recently posted the first part of a story I'm working on called Hunderian! It'll be released in parts with 4 chapters each, the last four being available in the full finished product!
"What's the story about? Well:
Hunderian is about a young man named Thomas who thinks he can take down a whole government by himself. He lives in one of many cities that exist in the world inhabited by of race called Hunderians, people who have the ability to transform into almost horse-sized dogs with magical abilities who live for a couple of hundred years. This city in particular, named Saraka, is run by a mayor turned dictator who removed all forms of connection to the outside world like televisions, radios, phones and others of the sort. People constantly in fear of losing their life from the minions the mayor sends out constantly. Though there's more than just the living conditions that sets Thomas off on such a crazy mission. The death of the previous mayor, and as a result, sending his father and others he knows to be thrown out of the city's administration. This essentially is a story mainly about one trying to prove himself to other that constantly doubt his abilities. The hero wanting to show others that there is a possible future that doesn't involve living in a bleak environment. Last sentence was corny but eh. Aside from Thomas, the story hops around to different points of view, from protags to antags, experiencing the city in their own ways."
Thank you for your time and taking a look! :D