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Fonts resizing issue

A topic by VVV101 created Jan 19, 2021 Views: 217 Replies: 4
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(1 edit)

I bought Maelstrom engine not too long ago and dig deep into it. And must say that I am really impressed with optimization!
Currently, I am experiencing a quite strange issue with fonts resizing with different resize factors.
Here are fonts without a resize factor.
And here are fonts with resize factor.
As you must see, fonts (especially noticeable on buttons) on the 2nd screenshot are getting squished vertically which shouldn't normally happen.
What can I do to make fonts look like on the 1st screenshot while having GUI resizing like from the 2nd? Or is there an issue in engine itself (which I really hope is not true).
Thanks in advance!


This will be fixed in the next Maelstrom update.


Updated today

Thanks you very much! Now it seems to work just as wanted.

Sorry for bothering you again, but is there anything possible to do so Maelstrom would load videos faster? 

Sometimes they can cause a noticeable freeze comparing to the old Storm engine. And videos in interfaces are definitely causing a noticeable microfreezes.