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A topic by Vanlilley created Dec 30, 2020 Views: 162 Replies: 1
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(2 edits)

Interesting little rocket hijinks!

Fuel Click here to go to game page.

Try and find/memorize locations of fuel tanks and collect them to fill your tank, then boost to the Moon! You don't have much time though, so be quick!

This is a very short prototype of a project I'm working on. I'm a student at Abertay Uni and I'm collecting analytics as players play, so I can improve the game.

Working on: 

Online high scores

multiple levels

more play mechanics

So I'll update when I can!

Feel free to comment your experience and post your rockets height, at least until the High score table is ready :D

Thanks for playing.


Added title screen and loading screen with instructions. Tricky getting high scores working though.