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Размер, приближение, кольца, леса

A topic by Bhor created Dec 12, 2020 Views: 318 Replies: 2
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Для максимальной понятности при переводе, буду говорить кратко. Можно добавить размер "столица", очень большой. Что бы было удобнее редактировать, добавить приближение "zoom". Упорядочить районы на несколько колец стен. Вокруг города сделать лес. Возможность настраивать большие сдания, в центре должны быть больницы, школы, академии.

Благодарю за прочтение.

  • Very large cities look bad in the generator and they are slow to generate. I hope to improve them in the future, but for now you can use the method I described here: link.
  • Zoom is not implemented due to some technical issues. It will be added eventually.
  • Several wall rings (if I understand you correctly) is a frequently requested feature, but I doubt it will be implemented anytime soon.
  • There were forests in early versions of MFCG. Later they were removed because they didn't add much. Also having them so close to city edges is not historically accurate.

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