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Juice Galaxy (formerly Juice World)

Floppy ragdoll rpg sandbox with physics-based combat · By fishlicka

Hey Fishlicka, can you tell Hoagan to give my weapon back?

A topic by Quantis Moon created Nov 28, 2020 Views: 234 Replies: 2
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(2 edits)

Really though, enjoying the game quite a lot, especially the inventory system.

Hogan just won't let me have my very large baseball bat back.

(I think it has something to do with changing pickup to E also controls in the menu say left click is pickup too. confusing.)

EDIT: Oh and I think weapons infinitely respawn too! (the bat in the house.. Hut? *shrug*)


I'm glad you are enjoying it! Yeah, I need to work on Hoagen. You should be able to get your bat back, just need to be closer to its center of balance. This might be hard to find, depending on how huge it is lol. Also ty for the heads up. Some old weapons were set to respawn as soon as they are destroyed, and I must've missed that one, hence the infinite pickups.

(3 edits)

Nah its fine, I totally wasn't just using em as a weapon grinder for  Monster Level: 200+ weapons I found.  :> (and making them 0.5 which is effectively impossible to retrieve, but hilarious to fight with sometimes, <3 mini slayer)