After months of thinking about the game design and learning to use Unity, I have decided to start a devlog to track my progress and motivate myself. I have very basic knowledge of C# and python, so this will also be my learning adventure.
I have some basic ideas about the core parts of the game.
More important:
- First-person shooter
- Rouglite with story segments scattered throughout the progression
- EYE, cyberpunk, Souls inspired art style
- Fast movement with wall jumps and dashes
- Mechanics that endorse fast gameplay and fast movement
- Permanent upgrades and in run upgrades
- Low ammo in guns to endorse taking enemies weapons
- Cool hub
- Bossfights
Less important
- 6 levels with unique art styles and enemies
- Characters with stories
- Demonic dimension???
- I don't want to make too many points, its more of a vision and I will try to see where the game takes it. Im expecting alot of failing and redoing.
I hope I will have some updates soon.