So I know I said yesterday that I would post the port for those you want to use mobile and particular android right now it’s a little bit more complex than I thought to port over something so right this point I’m going to say the project is going to be windows only for right now until I learn a little bit and do some more researching so that I don’t continue to promise something and not be able to make it happen. But I did want to let those of you who are watching to let you know that I am going to hold off on it for the time being.
that being said I am hard at work on the project doing maps and writing a more storyline for the next section I will post screenshots for your enjoyment that I can promise later today once I get off work. Thank you for those you have supported me so far I would love to see some interaction if you’re interested. I have open to a blog/forum on my page. Say hello 👋 I’ll try and say hello as well. Thank you!!