MINTY FRESH would be a poorer book without Lo Fallow. They understood it better than I did. They caught me when I pulled back and made excuses for the sheer romp it wanted to be and pushed me to be unapologetic about it. I will always be grateful for the time and love and care they offered my book.
They've been going through It all the time I've known them, and I've barely ever been able to help. So I'm asking you to help me help them.
MINTY FRESH: A Vampire Pulp Novella is two dollars for two weeks on itchio. Everything, including tips, I would normally earn will go to their GoFundMe. (Or show me proof you’ve donated any amount directly to their GFM or any other way they have provided. I can give you a pdf or a mobi, if you prefer that to an epub. Email: j.corvine @ gmail com).