The goal of my 2019 Halloween sale wasn't met, not even close, so the sales that follow won't be *quite* as incredible as I suggested they might. But they'll be pretty solid nonetheless, with 56% off all individual items and over 80% off all items bundled together - including preorder of 'Miniature Multiverse' and the connected Extras bundle.
Despite some disappointments here on Itch.IO, I've seen a lot of momentum across my network, with an 800% climb in Pinterest views since January, smaller gains elsewhere on social media, my first Etsy art sale, and an eBay account fast approaching 400 positive ratings/reviews despite scattered delays and missteps on some of the orders, mistakes I have done what I can to resolve on a good note in the end.
As all that gets tied together with the upcoming redesigns and new showcase renders on Itch.IO and some of my aging websites, I'm expecting this promising trend to improve further over the next month.
This has been an exciting year so far! And I'm currently also participating in the Icehouse game jam with a little short minigame that'll be freeware on my Itch.IO account too. So definitely check that out once it's done.
It's one of a string of short 'game jam' style things I'd like to wrap up - a new game every 2-3 months from here on out, like 'Spiral Skies' or 'Easely', 'Vortex', etc. Most of them will have freeware versions plus $1 alternate premium version, with some slightly nicer high-end graphics settings, and customization options, but essentially the same game. We'll see if that goes well, I actually have a ton of interesting ideas on these and you'll see them soon I hope... along with larger projects such as the improved 'Vivid Minigolf' and 'Panoramic Worlds', 'Miniature Multiverse', etc.
Includes the following items: