It's no secret that the past year has been an absolute disaster for me. I live with family, so rent is not currently an issue, but there are a lot of added up little things that need to be addressed, and things are getting to a critical point, because those little things have direct impact on my ability to function and continue to make work. Current expenses are as follows:
- Driver's license renewal fee - I have fairly severe, trauma-informed cleithrophobia, which is the fear of being/feeling trapped. If I don't have the ability to leave the house, and preferably the neighborhood, my mental health is pretty much guaranteed to tank - panic attacks, flashbacks, the works. It's a very easy phobia to keep at bay most of the time, which makes it quite lucky, but being able to drive is more than just a practical consideration for me.
- Etsy and Ebay Fees - One of the things I do to make a bit of money is sell stuff, including stuff I made myself (such as my games, my tarot deck, and so on) and collectibles I find at thrift stores and resell for profit. A combination of work related burn-out and poor mental health has, unfortunately, made it difficult for me to maintain my stores, and both have accumulated fees, to the point where one has been suspended and the other is threatening to. This is quite a Catch-22, because without those accounts it is much more difficult for me to make money these days, but if I don't have money, I may end up losing those accounts. I'd rather not.
- A new power adapter for my laptop - My laptop is what I use for actual work about 80% of the time, partly as a result of the aforementioned cleithrophobia (it's much easier for me to get things done if I don't feel cooped up at home or tethered to a large, heavy, stationary device). I use it to do digital game development, write tabletop systems and modules, run the aforementioned selling and reselling businesses, such as they are, and so on. The laptop itself seems to be doing fine (knock on wood) - it's nothing fancy, having cost just over 300 when I bought it about four years ago, but it does everything I need it to do (I prefer to use it for gamedev, because it forces me to optimize automatically ... the ability of a project to be able to run on this thing is a good metric for how accessible it will be in general). Unfortunately, the power adapted that feeds the laptop battery from the outlet has gotten jankier and jankier over the past month or so, to the point where it now barely works unless I spend half an hour fiddling with it to get the contact to happen at just the right angle. Pretty soon, I am afraid it will stop working entirely, and I simply won't be able to charge my laptop anymore. A replacement is cheap for most people, but it's not something I can currently afford outright, because I'm broke ... really, really, really broke.
Anyways, I don't love "e-begging," as some folks call it, but the situation is both really rough and really fixable with a relatively modest amount, plus my birthday is coming up and all that, so maybe folks might want to be nice to me? I dunno.
So I am doing one of those signature reverse sales. Everything in my shop is double the cost for the duration of a month and, of course, buyers are free to make tips of any size on top of those purchases. If I can raise about 200, that will more or less cover all of the emergency stuff and allow me to keep making work.
Includes the following items: