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A member registered Jun 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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This is such a relaxing fishing game with a very peaceful atmosphere! Very useful when you want to relax for a while. 10/10

Thank you for your feedback!

That was the biggest problem I encountered and I couldn't think of a solution so I'll try this.



After a week and a couple of days of hard work, I submitted my game. 

Please play it.

Thanks to everyone who gave ideas or even just looked at my devlog.

Screenshot of player in construct editor.


Another progress update:

I didn't do much today except play test and change the title on the title screen from acceration (I love my brain). 

Looking good so far!

Maybe allow the player to board other ships and attack enemies on board to steal additional loot at the risk of your cargo being stolen. 

Good luck!

Progress update:

Today (and yesterday), I added a score counter that I basically copied from another (unfinished) game I'm making and this thing a bit like a clock that tells you what power up is currently active. I made a title screen with an animation of the player crashing at the start.

I'm planning to maybe update the power up cycle, add an in-game tutorial and add music (my friend is doing the music).

Good idea! 

I was also thinking of maybe adding a power up that is completely random.

Sounds cool! 

Maybe have some kind of enemy that only shows up at night such as some sharks or a boss that only appears at night.

I'm making a top down game where the player constantly accelerates making the game more difficult over time. However, there are power ups that may help you by slowing you down. To stick with the jam's theme, they are on a cycle which could mean they are useless or speed you up! 

So far I have a map I am OK with, a player and power ups with a fully functioning cycle.

I think this sounds fun and I might do another devlog.