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A member registered Jun 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hiya! Bit late on my reply but thank you for playing and reporting this! It should be fixed now.

(1 edit)

I like the strategy involved with this game (as well as the art!). Might want to adjust each side's health a little bit though, since it felt like I was slowly chipping away at it much of the time. Could possibly add more visual effects with each attack to keep the player engaged, also. Hope to see this idea be expanded upon and looking forward to any post-jam updates!

A charming and relaxing game! I appreciate the idea going on here, although it could use a bit more guidance to the player; it took me a bit to figure out what was going on at first and I am glad the game's description was able to help with that. Totally forgivable, though! I understand a good tutorial probably isn't highest priority for a jam as short as this one.

Very pleasant to play! I like how you've chosen to work with the theme here as a foundation for the puzzles. As someone else mentioned, this would definitely benefit from an undo button as well as a button to quickly restart. I found myself instinctively tapping the R key whenever I got stuck only to find out it didn't work, haha.