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A member registered Jul 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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There isn't better document, sadly.  One of the last things  I was working on before time ran out was some tutorials through Toasts, which you probably saw in the editor.  It does sound like you figured it out in the end.

I agree there's some confusing values in some of the components available to the editor. It's something I want to clean up.  If you look in the 'Trolltown' level, you see a similar bit of confusion happened with the Fireball scroll, which has a range of 3, and a radius of 7(!!), so obviously things aren't clear enough.

I played and beat your level, it's a neat concept, though it took me a minute to figure out what you wanted me to do. Heh.  What was the second key for out of curiosity?

Wonderful tool, tried the first one, then this one, and it's really useful.

One request: An export that exports to a directory, with each tile as a separate file, named <projectname>-<bitmask>.png

Silly as it is, it would really help out people using LibGDXs TexturePacker, and, I imagine, other tools that might take TilePipe's output as input.

Perhaps start with a significantly larger "Selections per Combat", and then have some particularly good items have a drawback that reduces your picks per combat, that way it'll naturally reduce via progress, as their builds solidify.

Limiting to 3 items per fight is... bad.  

Early game, it feels bad because it's a limit on growth, and leaving valuable items untaken because you can only have three at a time just seems stupid (From an organizational point of view)

Late game, it feels bad, because it generally stops affect you.  The number of times, after the first boss, that i've taken more than 2 items from a fight, I can count on one hand.