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A member registered Jul 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I agree that it doesn't fit to well, Definitly should have dedicated more time on that.

Thanks! I actully spent a day trying to make the player respawn at the correct level  (because the player death is actully another scene) but was unable, so I use time on other things. I agree with the sound effects, thats a cool idea! As most people have said it doesn't fit the catagory of 'Horror' to well, Probably should have spent more time working on the theme.

Interesting. I belive your correct, so thank you for finding that small issue. I would agree completely with you. Thanks for playing my game! Also I'm currently unaware of how to make the camera move with the mouse but that would be a huge inprovement, so I should probably learn that too. Just didn't get enough time.

I agree that an active monster would have been good, or even a time level or something to force you to be quick. I didn't know how to make the camera move around but probably should learn to. Thanks for playing my game though!

I thought about making the camera move with the mouse but decided to just make the levels work with the camera. Probably should learn how to do that! I tryed to keep the game small so I could limit the amount of bugs I got.

Thanks for playing my game though!

Thanks for playing!

I was planning on making some sound effects but with some time issues irl I submitted my game a little early and didn't get time for sound effects (spent ~2 hours getting WebGL to work too). I also considered adding moving obsticals but ended up deciding against it and keeping the scope as small as possible.

Thanks! If your wondering about the how the controles work it just adds a force to a rigidbody, but I got some of my freinds to play and they helped me find tune the controles. The player is a capsule but it has another capsule collider thats a trigger thats got some room, so if your just above a platform your input will get reconised. I'll try to exsplain a little better if your interested. Thanks for playing and rating my game!

I do agree that the game didn't fit the theme of "Horror" to well, if I were to continue development I would 100% make the game more Horror related. Thanks for the feedback & Playing my first game!

Being better than DreamWorld is like being able to "Jump" over a pebble in a high jump compition. Anyway I'm glad I had a shot at making a game and will continue to develop games, given the time. Thanks for playing my game though!

Yea, I felt like the Horror aspect was lacking but couldn't figure out what else to do as I had at most 3 hours a day so it's unfortunate I couldn't put more time into the game. I agree with your comment and will try to inprove on my second ever game jam.

Didn't realy see the HORROR aspect of the game. 

The hitboxes and physics were a bit janky. I would have to have the enemys above me to hit them. I didn't get to much fun out of the game, but I wasn't able to ge to the end as I couldn't right click to use the reaper on the chromebook I'm using.

The art and animations were good but I didn't find the game to be very interesting, I think balancing was an issue with the game, but maybe that's just because the hitboxes weren't very good.

Nice job submitting a game though! Out of around 250 people who signed up only around 40 people submitted there games so congrats on being one of them!

Good Game! At one point I choose not to go up the stairs, but it wouldn't let me. Either it's a bug or a fake choice. Apart from that I belive the game was good and quite an interesting difference to most other games. If you got more time to work on this game I would recommend adding more pictures / animations.

Cool Game!

I belive it fit the horror theme well. I had some issues start but I belive thats because I was using the WebGL (HTML) version of the game, can't rate you less for that.

Hmm, The game consept is quite good but I'm unable to use a frying pan. Maybe it's just a bug with my browser (I tried reloading) but were unable to fix the issue.

The graghics are good, my first minute of playing I was amazed, but after about 5 minutes of playing and dying a few times I couldn't figure out what to do.

Interesting Game!

I got a bread where you start, then entered the house, only for it to just be cyan, If that's what "Starting house textures (barrels, door and  walls) (Didn't work in html5)" is then thats unfortunate.

I plan on making a video on my YouTube channel about this, but ONLY once the Game Jam is finished, Voted and all. Update Everyone Then.