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A member registered Dec 23, 2023

Recent community posts

(2 edits)

Okay y'all i'm seeing so many comments of "this game is rushed" and stuff like that, but you guys have to take into account that this was made in a month, of course its gonna be a bit rushed, or the gameplay is gonna be short.The creator, Jenny Vi Pham wanted to make a game in a month, and this was her shot at doing so, and I think its a very very good game for her getting it done in a month. Another topic, if this is your first time playing, or if your friend is playing for the first time, tell them to not skip the content warnings?? I've seen so many people say they were shocked at the outcome of the game, but there was a disclaimer at the beginning of the game telling you to look at the content warnings before playing, and i'm tired of people trying to hate on Jenny and this game because they chose to not look at the content warnings. Before you come at jenny, she posted her reasoning of making this game on twitter, so before yelling or hating, please I beg of you, go look at her twitter.For those of you reading this, i'm not meaning to come off as rude, I'm just trying to say look at the details of a game before playing, and don't hate on the content creator, because they sometimes probably made the game for a reason, like Jenny did.But if you didn't like the game, just go play another one, don't waste time trying to criticize the creators and devs.then again, you can listen to this, or not. I really don't care, but please stop hating on Jenny. 

I would also like to add that this is only my opinion, and i apologize if i offended anyone.

Not me trying to play this on my phone (I'm trying to uninstall everything and I already cleared out all my tabs even though this is most likely not gonna work, but I'm to lazy to get up to go to my desk)


(1 edit)