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A member registered Sep 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback. We definitely could have fine-tuned the difficulty better and we'll be patching it soon if you want to check it out.

As for the arcade cabinets, it was really hard finding good, free arcade cabinets online that actually worked in Unreal within our time frame so that's the best we could find during the jam. I can probably tweak them a bit.

And the modem sound for an arcade machine — I'll have to come up for a lore explanation for it. ;)

Thanks! This is really helpful feedback. We'll be patching it soon to fine-tune the difficulty. The scope of the game made it hard to focus on that aspect.

Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun making the transition and Aaron did as well. We both worked on different aspects and really tried to focus on that the most because of how crucial it was. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! We'll be sure to check out your game tomorrow!

I instantly thought of FEZ once I saw this too! It has it's own visual style though for sure. Amazing job!

Loved the music and the story at the intro. The turning controls are very very sensitive though so it makes it pretty frustrating. If the controls were refined it would be super fun though.

Awesome map, had a blast with it. It seemed a bit bright. Would be cool to see at night too. Good job!

Beautiful environments and awesome transitions. I didn't know what to do so I think your game could benefit from adding a tutorial and having some kind of lighting or other cues to indicate what is clickable.

Also, if the player couldn't progress to another scene until the selected the desired object.

Great story. You did an awesome job with making interesting environments that conveyed what the locations are despite having very minimal detail. Great concept. Would love to see it more fleshed out and incorporating some of the mechanics mentioned in the menu.

Side note on the game over screen the menu buttons don't work.

Interesting concept, great job!

Impressive that you made a multiplayer game for such a short amount of time. The camera worked pretty well for showing both players. Definitely a better solution than split-screen. Volume setting  was affected by the control inputs so you can't move either player without changing the game volume.  Cool mechanics!

Was a fun driving game. Did a good job of balancing fast-paced driving with a dark environment. There wasn't a lot of heads up for reaction time for getting the pickups. Would be nicer to have the gas cans lit up visually. For a future update make the obstacles something the players should avoid. I liked how we had to get pickups and avoid obstacles. Great job! I enjoyed it.

Thanks for playing it and for all the awesome feedback! Glad you enjoyed. 🙂

Thank you — this is super helpful feedback and some great ideas. I’ll check out your game! Have a good one!

By the way — we used a free asset pack for the town. It’s listed in the github repo’s readme if you want to use it in your game to help with the visuals.

Thanks for the feedback and for playing! Have a good one!


I'll have to check out your game as well. :)

Sweet, fellow van enthusiast haha. Thanks! I'll check out your game. :)

Thanks for playing, I'll check out your game too! I had a lot of fun with the story and I thought my friend did an awesome job with using the zombie animations to have them run to the house as well. Thanks, I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Thanks! I'll be sure to check out your game. I had a lot of fun writing the story. :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. We're planning on polishing it some more after the gam jam is over and those look like good things to add. We were actually looking at an asset pack that provided a day night cycle! haha

Thanks for playing and glad you liked it!

I’ll check out your game too. Thanks for playing ours!

Thanks! That’s a solid score. I’ll check out your game 🙂

Thanks for playing! We’ll tinker with the difficulty settings for the next version.

I’ll check out your stream and your game. Thanks for the feedback on it and for playing it!

Thanks, I preferred it with a controller as well.

Gotcha, I haven't played too much Pinball. Played a lot of Space Cadet on Windows though!

Wow! Thank you — that’s super exciting for me that someone would want to stream a game I made! I’ll let my friend Aaron know who did the coding on this game. I’ll be tuning in!

I really liked the mechanic of spelling the word 'death' in pinball. I have never played a pinball game like that. Really cool. I had a blast!

My friend and I just submitted! Woohoo, first game jam in the books!