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Yup, a good name for sure

A member registered Mar 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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(I know IM late as he'll as well but) Ok I guess you have a point.

I swear someone has asked for this before, but give people to customize Issac how you can in the game, which characters that make it easier, and challange characters. And you can unlock them by using Issac points you get by going beating a chapter (Also make sure prevent people from quitting the game when they're close to death and have everything restart, instead have it work like Pvz 1 and 2 so people can't cheat and when you continue an unbeaten level ur in the middle of it starts with all enemies exactly where they were).

Idea: Blue Baby ("..." In game)

Reuire: Beat a whole chapter without using any baby over 3 hearts once.

Cost: 10 Issac points

Type: Challange 

Challange: You can only have a max of 3 hearts, but every 5 enemies killed gives a half soul heart (max soul heart count is  7) that works like how it does in the og game; it's used up when you spend it on a baby and dissapears when used fully. All babies also have 20% less damage, but all levels have less enemies by 20%.

Maybe there could be a limit of 6-7?

Well then you should know that he gave me the permission to reupload it.

I'm guesing you didn't get here on Gamejolt, Is that right?

You DO know you're talking about your own game, and this isn't your alt account?

Even better, give people the option to do your suggestion, or the one we have now for those who like the old ways better.  Supe win win for everyone involved =D

Why not make it so that, jugging on what floor your on, 1 of 3 boss can be chosen for that floors boss fight? To keep things Issic like and to mix things up. Say floor one might have you fight Plum, or The Duke of Flys, or Pestilence.Of course an idea like this would take a while but, at least it'll be really cool. Well, that's what I suspect.

it works! thx so much, i hope you post more of these ports in the future :)

how come this game is currently unavailable? and can you fix it?

thanks for the game! i am very thankful, and can't wait for what new things you add to the next game, and what you'll think up for the series moving forward!

(3 edits)

idea for Easter event map: Evil Egg land

Description: Baldi and you are in joes car when he finds someone in help from more evil students!

Map look: the map has maoi and eggs on the ground, the sky is partly cloudy, and the grass is darker than in the playground map. 

Build areas: 7

New enemies: 

Egg: 3 health/spawns in wave 15/26/when destroyed, it spawns a random student where it died. spawns better student over time./speed: green students speed

mini maoi: 80 health/ spawns in wave  22/26 takes less damage when attacked by bully./speed: 2x red students speed

MEGA MAOI: 840 health/ spawns in wave 26/26/ only mini maoi spawn in this wave (4 mini maoi spawn very 27 seconds)/ speed: 3x red students speed

beat the map, and you get Beans!

cost: 315

upgrade lv2: 425

upgrade lv3: 500

Beans will attack students and slow them down.

range: 6 damage: 4 delay: 5

lv2 range: 9 damage 12 delay: 3.50

lv3 range: 14 damage: 17 delay: 2

just beat it, god that was pain

you to :)

where's the new update for this that came out not too long ago? why isn't it downloadable here?