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A member registered Mar 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Omg!! Thank you so much for playing my game!! Yes I hope I’m the future I’ll make better games with less bugs and easier puzzles 😖😖

OHH i see thank you for showing me i never got that problem myself D:  Will adjust the boss level and thank you so much for all the feedback!!

Thank you for all the feedback!! taking time out of your day to help me and basically playing testing lool! I'll be making improvements now and you don't need to keep replaying it lol but thank you so much!! Hopefully my next games are a lot better quality with less spaghetti code!! <3333

I think i've solved most issues now! I change the thing where everything is slow to just it to be 45 seconds, (which i know will turn everything normal but should restart the NPC dialogue hopefully!! )I've was just about to upload the updated version lol! I updated the txt file as well to included the RIGHT combo and explaining why that's the combo. 

Thank you for the feedback i really appreciate it! i got so anxious wondering people were even able to play it properly!!

omg thank you soo much for playing the game!! I’m so sorry you we’re able to complete the game without the txt file D:!

 Originally there would have been highlighted text in the dialogue but I personally thought that it was an easy code, should have asked someone to play it first my fault!

I did know most of the bugs mentions but thank you for being up more issues! I also didn’t realise I slept so many things wrong sorta dyslexic bit imma get someone to help me with that!

Im glad the dialogue is a little funny and not too cringey lool

The child at the bus stop will jump you no matter what option you pick which! I’ll check if there’s a bug for it anyways!

I’m do sorry the code didn’t work! I’m an idiot and wrote the numbers wrong somehow??! I’ll be updating the TXT and the game!! I also messed up the names like what?? You’ve entered Whiteness if you see the eyes. That could was for the grave right? In Hell the code is supposed to be 310121! 

Thank you for playing my game and I’ll update it so it’s more easy to understand!!!

omgg thank you playing!! if you wanna see the endings the answers are in the TXT file!!

I've included hints and answers in the TXT file for anyone stuck!! Just so everyone can actually complete the game lol