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A member registered Mar 17, 2021

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(1 edit)

I had played the first version of this game when it first released and I had already thought it was perfect, but oh my god, this update just made it even better!! I genuinely cried, Van is such a sweetheart, thank you for  such an awesome (and emotional) experience馃挅馃挅

I loved this demo!! Can't wait for the full release, I'm so curious about what will happen hfdskfh
the hearts I got were the green, orange and purple ones btw

Np! I probably wouldn't know this as well if I didn't follow their site anyways shshsgsh.

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As far as I know, the portuguese translation is being made by Zero Corpse, and it's in progress. I think it's only taking long to be finished because they have other games to translate as well. And it also hasn't been long since they've finished translating Pocket Mirror, so I do know they're active.