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A member registered Oct 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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for what its worth i think this is super cool, I've seen some experimental games where you walk over text but i dont recall any being embodied in space/objects like that. 

do you win when you dont launch the game cause you dont want to participate in the excavation?

hi! I do not have anyone working on audio so the role is definitely open, but I didn't post in the threads about musicians/composers because this is a small scope idle game and I thought it'd be potentially boring for composers. I imagine it's going to need like 1 or 2 background tracks and a few UI sounds at most. If that seems interesting to you we can definitely work together but I wouldnt hold it against you if you'd prefer to work on a project with more complexity on the audio side xD

hi! Your art looks really nice, I can't wait to see what you'll end up with in the jam!

This is the project I'm working on, let me know if you're interested or inspired:

Looking forward to playing it!

that unfortunately is something you'll never be able to prevent 100% i think =/ history of satire is riddled with examples xD

It's a pretty common problem tbh. I think the textbook case might be Starship Trooper. In all honesty I might have missed the point if I hadn't been spoiled beforehand xD

It's especially tricky when it comes to capitalism cause it has the structure of a game. Basically almost all management games are some form of normalization of capitalistic mechanism.

I'd say you're pretty safe within the confines of the jam, the title is fairly explicit, it'll be pretty obvious that it's satire with context. But to be more safe generally, if I were you, I'd put a disclaimer at the start, either on the loading screen like South Park, or on the menu screen, or in the credits if you'd rather be discreet and have your satire be "believable". 

I've been giving this a lot of thoughts so your feedback is definitely valid. I'm hoping to nudge the players through writing a smart description for the difficulty levels and through a few UI tricks. I'm definitely not hoping for a 100% success rate, but would be nice if it was more than 0 XD maybe like 30-50.

I've done a few prototypes of games that had no win condition and people are really insistant on finding the one way to beat the game, usually, so I'm not too worried about that. Worst case scenario I can always add hints if I see too many failed attempts. Actually I probably should. 

thanks a lot for saying this, it means a lot, I tend to work on pretty niche stuff so I'm very happy than anyone else than me is interested :)  I'm pretty sure that I can make something solo in the worst case scenario so you'll definitely be able to play it :)  I've read your project description, it sounds super cool, I'll definitely give it a play when it's ready!


I think this jam could be a good chance for me to tackle a project I've been thinking about for a while, about the status quo bias, i.e. the pervasive idea that inaction is morally neutral when in fact inaction/the status quo/normality is already pretty extreme and extremely harmful to a lot of people. 


Impossible to Fix” (tentative title) is an anti-idle game about the status-quo bias where you try to save humanity from its certain extinction at the hand of capitalism. 

Through classic idle-game mechanics, you unlock more and more progressive fixes to build up your “Reform” score. This score is competing with the snowballing effect of the climate crisis which has an increasing “Crisis” score. You need to get Reform higher than Crisis to stop people from dying before humanity’s extinction. A run is expected to last around 5 minutes. 

Here’s the twist: it’s impossible to do that. There’s no fixing capitalism. The only way to win the game is before you even start: in the welcome menu, you can choose the difficulty (easier times, normal, new normal, post new normal or impossible). Only if you pick “impossible” will the game offer you to completely dismantle the political system and start anew with a non capitalist economy, which is going to be tough but is the only path to victory.


Anyway if you're interested in joining the project or just even bouncing off ideas let me know 🙂 I'd love to meet more like minded people. I have game design, writing and programming experience but not much else. My portfolio is at if you wanna see what I'm about.

I'd like to keep the team and the scope pretty small to avoid burnout. Ideally, it would be nice to have someone that can make things look good cause thats definitely my weak point xD I was thinking of using web tech (like paperclip maximizer) with an artistic direction inspired by early web browser games (like ogame) but that can definitely be changed.

powerful stuff, thanks

absolutely loved it, you got me trying very hard to find tutel. and the music box in the end has too much feels its unfair.

loved it. vedal is so cute

I'm so sorry you're facing trouble, it seems like a series of unfortunate things piling up. The original error that started it all is one I'm familiar with, I dealt with it early in development and it's quite a surprise to see it pop back ^^ I think a lot of problems come from the fact that you're playing the game embedded in, it's an environment that I have very little control over so I have a hard time diagnosing bugs and understanding what's going on, it could be due to the interaction between itch and the game. I think if you download the game files it should work better, but maybe you'd rather play online, in which case I have a version hosted on my website: you can transfer save files between any version so don't worry about this. I'd be very surprised if your problems persist outside of the itch embed frame. 

Sorry again

thanks, hop you enjoy :) let me know if you need anything!

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I don't know how much experience you have but there's definitely a lot of things going right in this game. I loved how you didn't just throw in philosophical concepts but used them in a way that makes sense, and the equipment system seems promising. I think it's pretty close to perfect xD 

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I finally played this game, I think I did everything there was to do in it, there's a lot to love! I loved the theme, the presentation, the balance. Cant believe this is the first im hearing of putnam's ant...

thanks for including a fish tip and a walkthrough, the game can be reasonably challenging, it saved my butt when I was in the command input because I forgot about the "enter q to quit" instruction. Maybe you can also quit on "exit" "quit" and stuff like this for airheads like me XD or repeat the instruction.

other than that the only minor problem I found was that of input lags/drops. It's probably because I have a wireless keyboard, and anyway it's in the game engine, so there's nothing you can do about it, but it feels very unforgiving to damage 0 or heal 0 when I miss all the minigames because my keyboard is acting up xD

I'll be sure to follow whatever you do next :) but question: do I need to keep my save files from this run?

je suis assez impressione que tu aies reussi a faire tout ca, que skyblog existe encore, que tu aies retrouve le formatting, etc... congrats c'est chouette

nice vibe and themes, it resonates well with my interests and my own work :)

Thanks for including a walkthrough, the guy next to the elevator said i needed 6 items but in fact i needed 8 ^>^

very cute! loved it :)  I see a lot of common themes with what I usually work on, check out my games, you might like them as much as I like yours :)

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You. This is a game about you.

When you clicked play, did you even wonder what it meant?

Did you assume it was just a game?

>> Play it on! <<

Ren’s Demons I is an innovative experimental RPG built on an original narrative-based engine which aims to transcend and question the boundaries of games. It uses web technologies so you can play it right now, even on your phone.

Ren is the Promised Child, chosen by the Goddess to save the world from the forces of darkness. But nobody expected that this quest would transcend the boundaries between universes and bring a new understanding of the fabric of reality itself.

  • A non-linear universe full of optional content for you to explore
  • A quirky narrative battle system
  • A minimalist atypical colorful art style
  • An entirely original cross-platform game engine built for the project
  • Favorite old school RPG features coming back: walk on the world map, name your characters, and more
  • A procedurally generated world different for every player
  • 15 unique characters to invite to your party, more than 74 monsters to encounter
  • 7 different endings
  • Between 5 and 30 hours of content depending on how exploratory you feel

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thank you so much, its unfortunate it's so hard to run Flash because it's really great

loved it thanks

thanks for the game! It reminds me a lot of the game I made a few years ago: check it out if you have the time you might enjoy it ^^ 

loved it! i fell in the pond at the very end ;_; but i could see the end on youtube, didnt miss much XD 

very cuteroni. expected superuser to be supermario or smthing

really really cool

this is so cool, thanks =p

I stumbled upon this at random, tbh, but as I read I kept being more and more impressed with this gem I looked up its creator and had a nice surprise xD Seems that Lena Raine is as talented at writing than composing :)

One of the most interesting things I've seen on this plateform!

very cool! My only complaint is that the hints make the solution a bit too easy ^^ but the narration is so cool!

Thanks a lot for playing!

thanks for playing!

Hi! I hope you'll forgive me replying to myself, I just wanted to let you know that I realized that I had severely misconfigured my page and the game was not able to run when embedded on the website! It's now fixed, so maybe it'll improve your experience! Sorry

Awesome and poetic! I wish the beginning in particular was a bit longer to teach me more about cultures I don't know ^^

i played this game years ago and it left a deep mark on me but I didn't properly keep track of it! So happy to find it again today! This time I'll not let it go!

thanks a lot for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it! And don't apologize for your random thoughts, they're very interesting, I want to think more about it

As my first game is called "you doesn't exist" I couldnt ignore this game, could I XDD brace yourself for a lot of "you suck at english grammar" comments xD

Anyway as for the game itself, it's neat, but it ends right when it grabs me xD I can't wait to get the next bit ^^

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I'm working on a quirky narrative RPG inspired by the likes of Nier Automata, Undertale or Dangan Ronpa V3, and since what I want to do is too experimental for any existing engine I'm making my own. 

Therefore, to try it out, I made this little standalone game, which should take you 30-60 minutes and showcase what I'm aiming for:

You will be offered to the Goddess as part of a mysterious ritual. Can you escape unscathed? Do you even want to if it means condemning the world to the Goddess' wrath?

Any feedback is most welcome and will help future projects! I hope this will help me find people who are in the same mindset as me, because gamedev feels lonely ;_;

  • Minimalist atypical art style
  • Procedural generation of the world
  • Quirky narrative battle system
  • Favorite old RPG features coming back: world map, character naming...
  • Experimental and boundary pushing
  • Multiplatform universal web engine
  • Free :) 

Hi! I just played this game, did a bunch of endings, not all of them yet ^^ my favorite is false #2 friend. I wish there was a computer in the game to insert the flash drive ^^

Anyway I thought it was pretty interesting, I especially like the visual effects and their unpredictability!


I've just created a page for my game You Doesn't Exist. It's an experimental rpgmaker-like, free/pay-what-you-want, should keep you busy between 2 to 8 hours depending on how exploratory you feel, and aims at shattering your concepts of reality and identity ^^

Quick pitch:

Set out on an adventure that challenges all the codes of the RPG genre, toying with its boundaries to create something unlike anything you've ever seen. In a world full of magic and adventure, a young boy starts his apprenticeship to become a knight...

I was a bit ashamed of it because I've had a hard time with the open source game engine I decided to give a chance to (rpgboss), but the openness of the engine allowed me to tweak the sources and do stuff I'm pretty sure you haven't seen in any RPG before XD

I hope you have a good experience!