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A member registered Nov 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for your kind comments and support! 

We were initially skeptical about whether we should do a music game. None of us had prior experience implementing rhythm and dynamic music related features in the game. But we decided to take the risk anyways, which cost us a lot of time (we spent almost half the game jam trying to generate music from MIDI files). 

However, we have definitely learnt a lot from experimentation! We will be polishing up our game mechanics and making a update upon the end of the game jam.

Level 7 Clearance is required to access mission data related to Apollo 403.

This is Houston. We are sorry to hear that :(. It would help us a lot if you could share any details e.g. if there's any error shown in the player and what browser you're using. 

Thanks for playing our game! And we appreciate the kind comments :3. We found issues with the audio as well and tweaked the volume of various audio sources in the game. However, we are unable to publish these changes for this iteration of the game. Do you have any suggestions on how we could improve the audio? We would love to hear from you!

By the way, I played Letters Be Chaos! I love the Paper Please and Kafkaesque vibes. It's a really cool art style. The audio and UI feels polished. Really nice work! :p

Thanks Loafwad! Droopsh is incredible! The polish really shows. The crisp design and aesthetic makes the game feel great. Amazing. Congrats!!

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This game was pretty difficult at first as it was hard to select a tile with a cursor. As I got used to it, the mechanics were really satisfying. I would love to have this game concept on mobile where I can use a swipe control scheme. 

Better love story than KOTM.

Really fun game! The graphics are really cute. I had fun most of the game. The difficulty goes from 1 to 100 when the first boss appears though. Some balancing seems necessary.

(1 edit)

masterpiece my friend. still playing after 1h.

Hi meckyr! I looked into the issue recently and it is indeed a bug! The battery not recharging was caused by the platform charger auto disconnecting from the player when his battery level was full. This forced you to attempt a re-connection by leaving and re-entering the platform. This has been fixed and will be included in the next update. 

Thanks again for the feedback! We really appreciate it!

The physics implementation here is incredible! For a space exploration game, this is really polished. Mechanics such as refueling creates meaningful choices, opportunities and incentives as well. I would love to see this game expanded in terms of mechanics.

Hey JRevel! Thanks for playing our game and the feedback is really valuable! You are right, the battery not recharging is caused by the platform charger auto disconnecting from the player when his battery level is full. This forced you to attempt a re-connection by leaving and re-entering the platform. This has been fixed and will be included in the next update.

By the way, I played your game and I think it's one of the most inspiring games in the game jam. The animation and style gave your game a unique personality and charm. It reminded me of cartoons from Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network. It was tons of fun. I loved the way the owner reacts when attempting to pull back to leash and losing control. Best doggo 10/10.

HAHA This is a brilliant idea!!!

Thanks for the feedback meckyr! The more bots are connected to your battery, the higher the rate at which the battery is drained. 

The charging station charges you at a fixed rate so it could be that the rate that you are being drained is higher than the rate at which you are charged.

Maybe when you stepped out, it broke the connection with some of the bots, allowing you to be charged again. Otherwise, you might have found a bug ; ;

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Thanks for checking out our game and the feedback is really valuable! We did realize the core gameplay loop was simple, but decided to adhere to a small scope which was realistic based on our skillsets. 

We did implement additional systems and mechanics that we had to cut out. One such system allowed the player to chain multiple BBs to each other, creating a network of BBs which were able to charge each other, while extending the reach of the player. However, this system soon became rather chaotic and we didn't have time to balance it.

We also implemented a different kind of corrupted BB - Bad Bot which hunted down friendly BBs to drain their energy. To counter this new threat, we provided an ability for the player to switch from a "charging" to "draining" mode (you can still activate this mode in the game if you find the right key ;D). So you could link up to the Bad Bot and switch to drain mode to kill them. This also drained friendly BBs so you had to manage the links and sever the right connections. In the end, we decided to cut this feature to focus on the main gameplay loop.