ı tried to copy paste savegame's numbers (ı opened it with notepad) to another new savegame and it worked now my game works properely to get sure ı played but ı was suspicious about something and then ı installed shockwave's unknown pc version (not web) and it worked so properely now ı can play without errors! ^_^
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hey xform, ı can't understand but when ı use petite or a vehicle like that and go to garage after playing sometime this approaches:
''properety not found '
wanna continue?'
yes no
ı say yes but it come s whenever ı press yes and no? it just closes the game
and when ı finish a race game says object instead of properety....
pls help cause it's ur game
ı used to play this on my childhood but it needed windows 7
so when ı saw my dad didn't got windows 7 ı freaked out and sometime later made the pc crash
and he used to format it
and now thank you for publising it again
ı wasn't looking at hockwave games for years than ı got a message
'' shockwave is dead''
then ı remembered my childhood and ı cried a lot
and in 2018 u made downloadable version
now ım so happy thank you xform