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Journey To The Starts by Savfk|

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Thank you very much for playing Jessyphony! I'll play your game again and repair the first tank like you told me!

Thank you very much for playing and the comments Sojioto!

Very good aesthetics!, although it is quite difficult with such a short reaction time :(

Great mechanics!, although very difficult to master.

Thank you for playing Can Haz Games!, I'm glad you liked it, I'm sorry that the toast controls are not so well understood._.


Great game!, although I didn't understand what it has to do with the theme, maybe it's very abstract, but very fun


Thank you for playing DragonBean! I think the objective was not very clear. Did you manage to complete the game? ._.

good game!

I would have liked it to have sound, nice art

The art and setting is incredible, although I didn't get enemies or anything like that, I was just walking for minutes

I liked the pixel art and the shadow mechanics!, but I would have liked the game to have sound

Thanks for playing redSponge!

I liked the minimalism of the art and the TNT, although I felt that it got stuck when passing the walls and broke the fluidity

I liked the music and the sprites! I liked the mechanics of the mirrors although I would have liked it to be faster.

I like art and animation!, although it was very difficult to grab the fruits :(