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A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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A very creative and unexpectedly addictive game. I could spend hours experimenting with different plant "builds" using those branch nodes. Who knew being a plant wasn't so easy

Greate puzzle game, love the concept and the art! The timing is pretty tight with the puzzles but it is very fun. Elinize sağlık!

It's a cute and funny game. I didn't understand how to throw the hook at first until I read one of the comments below :). Nice work!

This might be my favorite game in this jam! I love the concept of not only changing roles with something, but giving roles to objects by swapping them around. Super fun, creative, polished, love it!

The atmosphere is amazing and the art style is perfect, it really pulls you in and keeps you on the edge of your seat. The flashing lights and the music makes it very spooky. I had a few issues with the mouse at first but it wasn't a problem afterwards.

I wasn't very good at the game but it is very fun and INCREDIBLY polished!

Very nice, simple concept but great execution. The game review from at the end made me laugh

Nice game! That ship can sure take a lot of asteroid hits, my ships die much faster when I'm the protagonist in these games. 

Sometimes the ship ignores Strobe and flies at the top of the screen. Also I would be happier if the game said something when I destroyed the ship, lol.

This game sure is funny and creative. Love deranged doom music and aesthetics!

It's a creative idea, although the game itself is not very challenging to play, I like that the gamblers' bets depend on their motivation meter, so there is an aspect of balance to milking the most money out of your gamblers.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

The idea for the fast parts was that you can't easily dodge it on reflects but you can learn the patterns through multiple replays, though not everyone may have time for that.

I actually tried to add a trail effect but couldn't get it done on time.

This was my first ever game jam and your comment made it worth it to have spent my whole weekend on it! Thank you very much for playing and commenting on it