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A member registered Oct 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Aww, thank you! That means a lot - this is my first kinetic visual novel I've ever made so I'm glad people are enjoying it. And you shouldn't be jealous, you've also got great writing chops! :))

Dang, I don't know if it was just player error or what but I couldn't get it to work very well - specifically, I couldn't get the camera to turn R/L to change my facing perspective so I kept getting nailed by the bombs to the side. I couldn't progress and so I didn't get any of the narrative elements if there were any included. I definitely liked some of the elements and shooting mechanic so hopefully with some edits, it will be a bit smoother (or, if it's just me, you get more meaningful feedback from others who aren't completely plebs)!

I loved the aesthetic of the strawberry shortcake! :)) And it was a sweet exchange. I did wish there was a bit more developed characterization - such as "Someone" having a name, etc. I'll echo some of the confusion as to who was saying what. Well done!

There is clearly a lot of great details in this narrative and I can imagine it expanding into a larger branching story line. I did hope for some visual components or added dimensions to the game play, but I imagine that can come at a later date! I hope you finish it! :)

I thought the artwork was FAB and the storyline was pretty funny. Though, as someone who has Deaf family, I saw the "twist" coming after the lengthy no response :) I like how the mechanics were very specific and even changed up when they went from notepad to their cellphones. Well done!

At first I wasn't sure I was going to like this. However, it kept me playing for a couple hours this morning as I ended up really enjoying the mechanics  and feel of the narrative. It did take me a while to fully understand how it all worked and almost to the end to figure out that I could speed up the time lapse by pressing shift. That helped a lot. The game had some strong Skyrim and LoTR vibes (that's a compliment)! Unfortunately, after an hour, I still couldn't get past the puzzle room with the statues. I wasn't sure how placement of them was supposed to work. I liked this demo because it was actually challenging and the time lapse was a very interesting way to approach the puzzle/narrative piece. I was really hoping to see the payoff/find out if I would get to see the characters/artwork! The writing kept me engaged and interested - I hope you finish the game! :)

The premise is really awesome and stressful :)) I had a hard time with the game mechanics of being able to read the conversation and then also swing back to the suitcase. So that caused me more frustration as opposed to anxiety - and could totally be player error!

I liked the premise of the game and the dialogue was snappy - felt appropriate to the age of the characters. In some of the scenes the background image didn't load so it was difficult to read the message font at the bottom. Also, just food for thought, it might be nice to find a way to differentiate the internal thoughts or exposition pieces from the dialogue. I also really enjoyed the music you chose for the game.

I really enjoyed the artwork and the game mechanics were smooth. I liked the option to "work with" some of the...are they gigantic fleas? In any case, I really enjoyed it!

Oh my GOSH! This was so good! I really hope you finish this because I loved the teaser, the aesthetic, story vibes, everything!

This was suuuper well done! I actually ended up enjoying it a lot more than I initially expected to (thought maybe it would be a bit one note). The visuals and mechanics are A++. I really like the idea of these creatures being discovered and researched. I think there's a lot of different directions you could ultimately take this if you wanted to expand upon it. You have a LOT to be proud of!

I really loved the aesthetic of the characters and the images! The interactive pieces were really neat too. I think the background music was also an excellent choice. I hope you finish it!

I really enjoyed the background music, it synced well with the story! I also liked the customizable options to change the speed so readers can adjust it to their preference or just select "all." As for the story, there were several places I got confused and I'm wondering if maybe we need more time to get to know Will better, the stakes, the crew, etc. before the non-stop action happens. I liked the retrospect scenes and summaries, I think that helps too! Thank you for letting me play :)

Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback - and just in answer to your question, yes. The choices made impact the ultimate "ending" you receive (there are multiple) and some choices open side plots/storylines, while others close them. 

I really liked where the story was headed and the perspective shift was a very cool concept. Unfortunately, the mechanics in the demo weren't working very well and my character kept getting stuck or disappearing in the perspective shifts. I had to start over multiple times but reached a point where I just couldn't work my way past. Love the dialogue and the talking rock though! :)

I enjoyed the aesthetic, the ability to customize some of the starting details, and the replacing/dynamic font. It adds life to the narrative!

Ooo! I love the format you've created and the visuals, sounds, and UI is really pleasing. This was a great experience and I think it *definitely* counts as interactive fiction - I hope you finish it!

So excited! :)