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A member registered Mar 24, 2018

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I never thought I would like this more than I think I have. Looking forward to the next update!<33

(1 edit)

The game is enjoyable and the demon king is very cute :D

For my humble opinion, the concept of the game  is unique and intriguing. The demo is enough for me to get addicted to the game and it's visuals.  I really love how the choices effect the outcome of the situation and how it effects cove. It feels nice to play this kd of game and it releases me from stress. Overall, the game is amazing and looking forward for the full game!!!

Lastly, how much does the DLCs cost? because i want to prepare some cash to buy it :<

Absolutely love this! Continue creating good games and looking for the game "Our Life: Beginnings and Always"!!!

Jeremy is such a cutie and can't wait to draw him =D

Looking forward to the full game!

My sister will love this once she see it! I will play this if i have a time to spare!

Looking  for forwand to the full version. The boys are all unique in their own ways. I love the sprites, they are beautifully made. Cant wait! ^_^