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A member registered Jan 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice, well done! :D

(1 edit)

Opa, valeu demais!
Não entendi muito bem tua pergunta, você quer saber o que eu usei para criar essas músicas? Se for esse o caso, eu usei o Furnace Tracker (eu sempre coloco o que eu utilizei na descrição dos videos do youtube). Resumidamente, é um software que emula uma quantidade absurda de consoles/sistemas diferentes e todas as suas limitações, não tem nada a ver com soundfonts. A forma mais próxima de conseguir um workflow parecido pra SNES no FL studio seria usando o plugin chipsynth sfc da plogue ou o C700. Caso tenha interesse, no meu Patreon eu postei todos os arquivos originais dos projetos de todas as músicas do album.

WOW, I had no idea mac hid folders like that! Thank you so much for for pointing it out,  I'll fix it and upload a corrected .zip right away! Did you run into any other issues with the files on mac, or was it just the folders?



Thank you  for your kind words Joseph! (and sorry for the delay)

Unfortunately I'm not accepting commissions at the moment, but I'd love to know more about your project, if possible :D

Thank you! And for sure, you can use it  in your game :D

Erik's Odyssey looks amazing so far. I couldn't defeat all the enemies and I found it a little difficult, but I really liked the art and also the fact that it was made using Godot! Good job so far :D

Yay! :D

Wow, I should have uploaded the files in .zip a million years ago, I apologize for that D:

I just added them, hope it works now!

Oh, I apologize for that. I added a ".zip" version of the files, I should have done this a million years ago, I hope it works now! :D

Thank you so much for your kind words
And yes, all the songs are completely free to use, so you can use the whole thing in your game if you want :D

BPM info
1 - Title Theme - 150 BPM
2 - And The Hourney Begins! - 180 BPM
3 - The Icy Cave - 180 BPM
4 - Prepare for Battle! - 225 BPM
5 - Take Some Rest and Eat Some Food - 180 BPM
6 - Minigame - 180 BPM
7 - Exploring The Unknown - 225 BPM
8 - Mysterious Dungeon - 150 BPM
9 Decisive Battle - 180 BPM
10 - The Final of The Fantasy - 180 BPM

Thanks for your suggestion

I will do it soon for this album/asset pack and also for future uploads :D

Thank you SO MUCH!
I'm really happy that these songs worked for your project, I intend to release more songs/albums like these in the future :D

Thank YOU! :D

Thank you so much!
I played the Game and it looks amazing so far, really loved the concept! :)

Thank you SO much, I'm really glad you liked it! :)

Thank you! :D

Thank you so much!

And for sure, it's totally in my plans to release more albums/music packs here on itch io. Not sure yet if I'll charge for any of them, but if so it will be at a very affordable price :D

Esse projeto tá lindo demais! Parabéns para todos os envolvidos :D

Hi positronic

Thanks  for your kind words. I'm very happy to know that some tracks fit well into your project.
I checked the steam page for the Deadly Harvest and it looks amazing, congratulations on the release! :D 

Thanks for your review and for your kind words!
Oh, so you just need it to be in .zip and not in .rar?
And yeah, creating a new project just to share a secret url seems overcomplicated for me at the moment :/ 

For sure!
What's the best way to share the files with you (google drive folder + link to your email)?

Hey Bertie, thanks for your kind words

A roguelike-RPG, sounds awesome! :D
And yes, you can reach me at for comissions/work related stuff.

(for some reason I missed the notification for your message, sorry for the delay) 

Go ahead, you can use it! 
And good luck with your project, I hope everything goes well; it looks awesome so far :D

I used 0CC-Famitracker to compose/arrange all the songs and Reaper for mixing/mastering

Thank you so much for your interest in using my tracks :D

For sure! You can use in any kind of commercial/non-commercial projects. 
You won't have any copyright issues, I'm just not sure if it's ok to post some kind of content on spotify using these songs (I need to check this :p)

Thanks for using it! :D


Yay! :D

Thank you very much!I'm very glad you liked the songs and found it to be useful, also congratulations on your release! :D

Thanks! :D

Thank you for your kind words and donation! :D


I'm really happy that these songs worked perfectly for your project! 

Wow! I made these songs to be completely free and I never imagined that people would choose to donate! Thank you very much :D

Hey Puipuipui, I'm glad you liked it!
Hahaha I confess that I was surprised to hear about the possibility of using these songs in an adult game, but yes!
You can use this music in any kind of audiovisual commercial/non commercial projects. :D

Hey Srxacha, thanks for your comment!
Unfortunately making games is VERY complicated and doing all the assets by  yourself can be quite overwhelming so
I'm really happy that you found it to be useful! 
Whenever you need custom music/sfx for your project don't hesitate to contact me :D

Yep!I'm working on some projects at the moment, but if you need custom music/sfx for your projects you can contact me anytime on Instagram -@xdeviruchi
or via e-mail:


Hey kingoftheconnors, thanks for your kind words :D
Yes! I made this album/music pack just to help begginner game devs to have cool songs in their first projects (commercial or not); in fact, projects of all kinds and not just in the games area. 

Nice! :D

Thank you! :D

Thank you so much MrDevJrDuck!
I'm glad you liked it :D