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A member registered Aug 01, 2022

Recent community posts

Sounds great, looking forward to the full game!

This is really really nice.
I wasn't able to solve Chess 2, though. Still wishlisted.
Personally, I think that the tutorial would have felt better with less words.

Thank you very much! It seems to work fine. :)

Thanks, this is better, but still not perfect for me.
So if you could buil an exe, I would be thankful. :)

I really like it so far.
I just wish there was a non-browser version.

Nice game!
There ssems to be a small typo -> it says 'move whem' instead of 'move when'

This is so cool. Would be happy to see more levels (or a full commercial game).

But how???

Yeah, can't figure out B. Makes me mad.

I wish there was a downloadable version!

sys:logic community · Created a new topic Rotating

I couldn't get rotating objects to work. I don't have a 'side mouse button', and R doesn't seem to do anything.

Great concept. I'd love to get a downloadable version, and of course a full game with more levels. :)

Really cool puzzle game. Cool mechanic :)

Really nice. Would hope for a bigger game with more levels in he future. :)

Great game!

Still have to find the solution for level 9, but I sure hope you will turn this into a full game. :)

Ah, got it now. It was almost impossible to see. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the hint. Unfortunately, I still couldn't make any progress - making a block small then large again doesn't seem to do anything, and I have no idea what the target should look like.

Same. A small hint for Rainbow would be appreciated.


The more vibrant colors are much better. Please also make the trash can and the enemies more vibrant! :)

Hoping for more cell types and more puzzles.

Would be great! :)

Oh, and I would definitely love to get a windows build.

Great game, I'm hoping for a full version. :)

Before level 21, you can read: 'the power of the sun at your fingerips'... should be fingertips, I guess.

Thanks, great!

(1 edit)

Great game, I'm at level 19 so far.

It would be nice, if you could see the level number in the level select menu, as I would like to go back to earlier levels for the achievements, but it's hard to tell if I select the correct level.

Yes, I did kind of understand the mechanism. But somehow I managed to just find working solutions on my first tries without even thinking.  So I didn't realize, that you could actually die, and therefore, the levels seemed useless. After your reply, I revisited the levels and managed to die. So the levels and the mechanic are not as bad as I thought they were. :)

Looking forward the full version of the game! :)

Really nice game!

I'm not a fan of the orange slime levels. I didn't really understand what to do, and still could easily finish them. Didnt feel like solving a level of a puzzle game at all.

The green slime works well, but it's not as visual pleasing as the rest of the game.

I hope you will continue working on the game and add more levels. I would happily buy a bigger version of the game! :)

(1 edit)

Oh, my bad.

I hadn't realized that I had copied the contents of the folder.

Thank you very much, it works now. :)

I can't make it work.

I extracted the zip contents into the Bonfire Peaks root folder, but when I choose the dlc the game just asks me, if I want to go to the store. :(

Unfortunately it didn't come with a steam key, otherwise I could let steam do the installation for me.

Love the game so much,

awesome puzzles, wonderful presentation!

Cool, looking forward to the new version!

Really nice game with a great mechanic.

Would love to see a full game (with more levels). :)

Really nice!

Is there a way to play in fullscreen for the windows version?

I hope for more levels and a level selection screen.

Thank you, that's great. :)

Really nice game.

I just wish there would be a way to buy a windows version. I just can't get engaged with browser games.

(2 edits)

Thank you for making the game!
And nice, that works. :)

I would like to have a clean way to reset, though.

Also, I would really like to be able to go to the level select screen by using the 'A' button instead of 'Select' (and also to continue from tutorial screens). It would feel more natural for me, as 'A' would just be confirm/proceed as in many other puzzle games.Having to press 'B' to close the tutorial page and 'Select' to proceed from a finished level feels unnecessarily complicated.

I hope I'll find the time to do the playthrough!

Lovely game (I purchased on Steam, as I had forgotten it would be released on, too)!

Is there a way to start from scratch?
I tried a few levels, but now I would like to start fresh to record my playthrough. It seems there is no save file, but all is in the registry, which always makes it hard to reset.

Thank you for the update!

I'm really glad you're still working on this little gem. :)

(1 edit)

Any update?

I'm really hoping we will see a version 1.0

Wishlisted and will instantly buy!

Still hoping for the enhanced version. :)

Really nice!

Hoping for it to become a full game with lotsof puzzles. :)