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Will Saymon

A member registered Oct 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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very niice!

(1 edit)

jogo top demais, goty

ooooowww this is awesome, great job!

Thanks ^^

Good job!

Muito obrigado Leo!

Minha mão até doeu de lembrar do ensino fundamental kkkk

Pior que estava tudo pronto para os outros personagens, mas ai foi uma mistura de não conseguir fazer as artes e sono de não ter dormido que nem deu pra terminar, mas quem sabe eu continue o jogo.

Novamente, obrigado!

Um dia sai mais hahah valeu Fiwon o/

Muito obrigado Gabriel o/ Fiquei muito feliz de participar da jam de vocês e dei altas risadas virando  madrugada fazendo a mecânica principal (que por algum motivo eu gastei o tempo durante a semana fazendo a álbum de cartas, sistema de árvore de diálogo com npc e mais coisas que acabaram nem entrando) kkkk a mecânica de bater cartinhas ficou bem dentro da minhas visão, mas todo o resto ficou bem capenga, da pra retrabalhar bastante coisa. Vou ver de dar uma polida nele quando sobrar um tempinho ou até mesmo voltar para a ideia inicial que seria um top-down de explorar a escola haha

Peguei o final que você morre

vanderley mó gente boa


gostei do ness


daora, mas bugado


Ele ajudou com a voz das ovelhas hahah

You made my eyes fill with tears ... "I always forget the time difference"

I can not say why, but my interpretation says that it's been well over a year and that probably the protagonist was remembering the call.

maybe i'm a little sad

It was my main inspiration and drawing strange things is easier for me than something ... more cute or normal. Unfortunately the version I sent to jam is with this crash. Thanks for playing, good thing you had fun.

This is literally the sheepgeddon

I know, I know... seem I to have used some illicit substances, but I swear I was clean.

Thank you! about the crash, I found it strange that even Unity was crashing today when I tested shaushuausa I do not know how I achieved this achievement

It was even more fun to make those sounds! Thanks for playing and for feedback ^^

owo! the graphic's aro so cute, the music  too!

Man's curse is to implement the boss attack and not test.  I realized that I also forgot to describe that the goal is to get the sheep and take it to the barn.

Thanks for playing ^^

Ow, i didn't expect for a comment! Thx for the feedback :) I added in the last update.
This is a game that i maked in construct 2 for a game jam in my city, now me and my friends decided port him to Unity and try to make some iteration to get a nice demo. Stay Close XD