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A member registered Oct 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Okay, but is it possible to sell steam keys on here? If not, that's fine and I'll just do the alternative :)

There's a couple of reasons for me to want to do this, and the main one is for security. I didn't originally realise how easy it is to buy a game from itch and then just redistribute the files as many times as you like. Obviously there are ways to prevent this through coding in some sort of security protocol that checks the servers if it is a verified user, but I haven't been able to get this work after so long of trying.

In addition to this, it's really useful having all of my statistics in one place for download/sales.

So i wanted to ask if it is possible to have a page for the game here, but to just link to steam for downloads? I noticed that there is a feature to link it to steam anyway, so is it possible to have that as the only form of purchase?

Thanks in advance!