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A member registered Jun 19, 2024

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(Apologies if this has come up previously, but...) is there any way to tell/configure Deepdwn to support alternative and/or custom markdown tags?

CONTEXT: Most of the markdown specs (at least those I'm aware of) are written by software engineers mostly for software engineering-type use cases. Which is great, but there are other real-world use cases where markdown support is less complete. One such use case is the digitising/encoding of "old" documents and records that were originally created with mechanical type writers.  These documents frequently use underlined text for emphasis, which unfortunately isn't commonly supported by markdown specs or impls.

My "custom" markdown for this purpose is:




(I don't use _this_ or *this*).

Another common one not typically supported by markdowns is redacted text; text which has been blotted out. This is somewhat similar to, but stronger than, ~~strikeout~~. The intention is that the text should not readable at all.  I've been using:

::darklight:: (the logical compliment of ==highlight== ).

Is this kind of thing possible?

Ah, thanks for that. I see now how it works. 

FWIW, the UI has a "Folders" heading (with a folder icon) and an "Add directory" button (with a + folder icon).  Are "folder" and "directory" synonymous or different? 

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I had a look around, but I couldn't find an option to toggle or add a vertical ruler in the editor.

It would be great to be able to toggle one or more vertical rulers at user defined page widths (e.g., at 80, 100, however many characters).   Ideally, the rulers should be rendered as unobtrusive, thin lines, duller than the copy text. 

Hello All,

I'm using Deepdwn 0.40.1 on win10.

The Deepdwn install process prompts for a folder location to store .md files (as described here: 

Is there any way to change this folder location post-install, perhaps somewhere in preferences or a config file in the filesystem,  or do I have to re-install to change it? 

Awesomeness!  Thanks Billiam :)

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Thanks for you quick reply Billiam :)

By saving and viewing the generated html I can confirm that even non-unique headings get unique generated IDs.  However I did notice that the 2nd heading is assigned 1, the 3rd heading is assigned 2, and so on. So we're always off by one which is a bit awkward. It would be more natural to use (for me, at least) if the 2nd heading was assigned 2, the 3rd heading assigned 3, and so on.

Meanwhile, this works within a file, but I'm less confident that generated IDs would work for duplicated headings across files?  Besides, having to update the target of existing links if ever a non-unique heading is added or removed from the project (or if ever a heading is edited?) seems less than ideal. Happy to learn otherwise, but perhaps this is where custom IDs would be a useful addition?

FWIW, I also noticed that the syntax checker complains about non-unique heading text. Is there an easy way to turn this rule off?

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Hello, I'm a new Deepdwn customer this week. Overall an excellent tool; the table editor in particular is outstanding.

One sorely missing feature is custom heading ID support (per the Markdown Guide here:

This feature is more or less must have for me, and presumably anyone working with documents containing  non-unique headings. This is  common in longer documents, and particularly in documents composed from multiple source files.  

Custom Heading IDs would enable links to point to each specific heading instance, regardless of the uniqueness (or otherwise) of the heading text. E.g.,  

## Brown Bears {#my-1st-custom-id}

#### Brown Bears {#my-2nd-custom-id}

In terms of editor-user experience, it would be nice if the custom ID markdown was rendered darker than the heading text itself, as are the ATX Heading hashes (###).

Please consider adding custom heading ID support soon !