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A member registered Mar 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! I'm still working on this game but I'm gonna post other games here soon. 

Very nice game!

Wow! Very nice puzzle game!

Although a tilemap collision mask object has been implemented in GDevelop 5.0.139, your extension works way better for me. I was having an issue with lateral collisions where sometimes the player slides one pixel inside the GDevelop collision mask object, although it never happened when colliding with platform sprites. The gameplay felt unpolished because of that. With your extension, my problem was solved because it allows me to use a sprite with platform behaviour as a hitbox, so the collision issues are gone. 

You did a great job developing this extension! It made everything easier for me to make my game. 

Thank you! I used to play Star Force a lot when I was a child and It's one of my favorite shooters. And thank you so much for letting me use your amazing music in the game! 

Awesome game! Beautiful retro style graphics and very fun to play. 

Fantastic game. Reminds me of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks I used to play decades ago. I really like it. 

Wonderful game! Very smart puzzles!

Amazing game! Simple game mechanics but lots of fun! Was it developed with Game Maker?