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WinterDream Games Creator

A member registered Jun 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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My pleasure! I have ironed out as many bugs as I could, if you find something let my know and I'll fix it ASAP 😉

Yeah, I was thinking that it was missing something, will add it 😁

Ironing out bugs and some features but we are almost here :D

On the long term anything could happen, but for now those plugs that took me a lot of work will remain on sale, for the major sales I put them on 50% :)

I like good suggestions :D I hope to deliver the new version for the weekend :)

Sadly .JS files are often false positives, nothing I can do about it. 
Sometimes happens with Chrome Download too.

I really don't understand why as it's well known that JS can't carry virus or malware software :(

As for this version you can combine more than 2 items using the "Formula" method, the combination method can't unless you create an intermediate item. I could think about creating an "endless" method in the future versions

v1.5 is out an let's you use RMMZ text codes and alignement settings with any option you like (Auto Sizer or Manual)

Following the previous answer: It is possible right now if you activate Dynamic Size Text, it allows all RMMZ text commands such as \V[4] to read variable 4. I'll make a work around to allow it in descriptions that don't use Dynamic Size Text

Not right now but that would be a nice and easy addition, I'll make an update in these days :)

Sorry but I can't do it from my plugin, you have to set up a new option in VS Option Core and on "Process OK" call this: SceneManager.push(SceneManager.Scene_Quest);

I see the problem and it's on the Visustella side, not mine

Too patch it up during your game development duplicate the WD_Achievements.json and rename the copy Test_WD_Achievements.json, this will solve the bug

You don't need to update the Test_WD_Achievements.json, use it only as a dummy file to make Visu work

Hi, what happens if both are active?

Ok, even better if it didn't happen again to you as well!

If it pops up again let me know :)

No worries at all, I appreciate the input!

I'm unable to re-create the bug, if I exit a game / cause a Game Over and restart a new game it doesn't carry over the Quests.

Can you tell me how the game over is triggered and if you have any plugin impacting on game over / saved files?


So the bug is happening if you die, go to the screen and start over without closing the game?

That's strange as the plugin should be saving the informations in the same set of info that goes into the save.

I'll try to recreate the bug and seek a solution, thanks for the report :)

Via event or common event, you need to go in the last tab of the event: "Plugin command", select WD_Quest plugin, "Set Quest Completion Parameter" and enter the ID or Exact name of the quest (case sensitive) and Status: Completed.

Hope it helps!

(1 edit)

The file had a minor tweak right NOW, if you downloaded it before, please re-download

Right now: Writing a special function to select and use a card in special AP mode for AI

Using the knowledge of "Conditional Choice" plugin, fixed the error happening on the selection of a card action if down or up button were long pressed

Fixed the mulligan mode 3 text to "Play first card free", fixed various mulligan checks to avoid player and AI not being able to play a card even if the selected mode allows them, now unplayable cards for the player are also grayed out (other than not selectable)

Great to hear!

If you prefer working with Plugin Parameters I've released the hotfix ;)

It has probably to do with the SaveParameters new function, I guess you made the change by Plugin Manager?

I'll be able to easily fix it tomorrow, if you want a temp fix you can do the changes via Plugin Command and they should work correctly

The fix for the QuestLog is out, thanks again for the report!

Hi there, 

I looked up and the problem seem to be in my plugin, thank you for the report, I'll patch it up first thing tomorrow morning, should be an easy fix