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A member registered Jul 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sweet, thanks! I let some of my friends, who were new to VR, try this game and they loved it. Good job 👍🏻

(2 edits)

I'd love to play this game, but I have an issue. In the Oculus version, my play space is not aligned correctly, and it thinks the rear of my play area is in the centre of my room, therefore i cannot play the game. However, my play area is correctly identified in SteamVR, but the oculus touch controllers are not recognised by the steamvr version. Please could you either add the ability to alter the position of the play area, or add oculus touch support for the steamvr version (the room adjustment is the most ideal method)? Thanks.

Update: It seems that reverting back to v0.3.8 has fixed the SteamVR controller issue, however, the Oculus issue is still there.

Update 2: Holy crap, what an experience! Even in my tiny 2m*1.6m play area, that was really, really immersive. Just wondering, how does the level system work? Are there multiple levels or different variations of the same level?